We believe YOU deserve it all.
Enjoy the most comprehensive, yet simple suite of benefits around.
It's free to be in the club.
We build you a schedule of appointments for 12 months.
Enjoy the benefits of being a V.I.P.
Enjoy both seasonal and monthly retail promotions.
You'll receive a great savings + KNIGHTCLUB CASH. A member exclusive.
For each dollar you spend, you earn 2% back that you can use when making retail purchases.*
Can be redeemed multiple times per quarter & are added perks to being a member.
Product Samples (when possible)
Fringe Trims
Neckline Cleanups
Brows, Ears, Beard & Mustache Cleanups
also enjoy
50% off neckline waxing & waxing between brows​
How does membership work?
Schedule your visits for a one-year period from the date in which you enroll or renew. We can help you determine your schedule.
How much does it cost?
​Membership is free. The only commitment you make is scheduling your visits for a one year period. We recommend scheduling a minimum of 4 appointments to take advantage of each quarter’s rewards.
How do I accumulatE & REdeem Knightclub Cash?
For each dollar you spend on services and retail purchases you earn 2% back on your salon account that you can use when making retail purchases. KCC not redeemed will expire after 6 months of inactivity/no appointments booked. Maximum of $15 per transaction per day redeemable.
How do I redeem rewards?
​Rewards can be redeemed during the visits you schedule throughout each quarter. You may use each service reward and each retail reward one time during the quarter.
Why do you ask for my e-mail address?
What if I need to reschedule a visit?
Periodically, we may send you notifications regarding your membership, your scheduled visits, member-exclusive savings and pop-up perks!
What is all of my visits need to be rescheduled?
We understand that life happens and can accommodate changes to your scheduled visits when needed. We recommend that you keep your overall schedule the same if you need to move a specific visit within 1 to 1.5 weeks before or after its originally designated time, to keep you on schedule.
We can adjust the entire schedule if needed, but we will review your membership status if the need to adjust all of your appointments occurs more that two times within the year.